Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Animals as victims of human impact in nature

In Chile there is a particular case of endangered animal, I mean the condor. It is at least peculiar that an animal that is supposed to be a national emblem is considered at the same time a vulnerable one. The Chilean condor is an animal that feeds itself by other corpse animals, flying around its food in circles until it decides to land. This animal is considered a complex one because it has a well-structured social system in which the older males feed themselves first when they found food, then the older female, and finally the younger ones. The problem is that there are some people that hunt the condors by fun or with the purpose to make them their “trophies”, so they are in evident danger of becoming extinct specie.

I think that the hydroelectric plants are a threat to the natural environment of almost every animal, but this is not the only human construction that affects the life of wild animals... there are many others that make the same or more amount of danger by taking away or simply destroying their natural environments, like the construction of malls or even the simple construction of homes or roads.

I believe that the dominant groups in our society are not doing the sufficient to fix the damage done or at least to avoid to doing even more damage. The projects like HidroAysen are the demonstration of this. Finally, I think that the deeper problem is that the conservation of natural environments are not being watched as a real problem, because the political class think that the real problem is an energy problem, and every way to solve this is acceptable.